<script type="typescript">
import { page } from '$app/stores';
import { request } from '../../../../stores/auth';
import ErrorAlert from '../../../../components/ErrorAlert.svelte';
import Icon from '../../../../components/Icon.svelte';
import type { OrganisationDetail } from '../../../../types/organisations';
import Member from './Member.svelte';
import AddMember from './AddMember.svelte';
import type { CrateMembers, CrateMember } from '../../../../types/crate';
let organisationPromise: Promise<OrganisationDetail & CrateMembers>;
$: organisationPromise = request(`/web/v1/organisations/${$page.params.organisation}`);
* Whenever a member is updated/added/deleted to this organisation, we'll want to reload to ensure we
* show the user exactly what the server currently sees.
* @param event a struct containing the updated member's UUID, so we can empty the newMember value if that member
* has just been added to we don't show them twice.
function reload(event: { detail: string }) {
organisationPromise = request(`/web/v1/organisations/${$page.params.organisation}`);
if (newMember && event.detail === newMember.uuid) {
newMember = null;
* Contains all the possible tabs, used for maintaining state on the current tab.
enum Tab {
* Mapping of `Tab`s to their human-readable form alongside a friendly icon to show to the
* user.
let allTabs: { id: Tab; name: string; icon: string }[] = [
id: Tab.CRATES,
name: 'Crates',
icon: 'package',
let currentTab = Tab.CRATES;
$: organisationPromise.then(filterTabsForOrg);
* Filters the tabs displayed to the user depending on their current permissions for the
* organisation.
function filterTabsForOrg(org: CrateMembers) {
if (org.possible_permissions) {
if (!allTabs.some((tab) => tab.id === Tab.MEMBERS)) {
allTabs = [
id: Tab.MEMBERS,
name: 'Members',
icon: 'user',
} else {
allTabs = allTabs.filter((tab) => tab.id !== Tab.MEMBERS);
if (currentTab === Tab.MEMBERS) {
currentTab = Tab.CRATES;
let newMember: CrateMember | null = null;
<div class="container flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center md:items-start mx-auto p-10 mb-3">
<div class="flex-grow text-center md:text-left">
<h1 class="text-5xl text-highlight font-bold tracking-tight inline-flex">
<span class="mr-2">{$page.params.organisation}</span>
{#await organisationPromise then organisation}
{#if organisation.public}
<span title="Public organisation">
<Icon name="users" />
{#await organisationPromise}
<div class="h-6">
<div class="skeleton inline-block mr-2 w-24" />
<div class="skeleton inline-block mr-2 w-8" />
<div class="skeleton inline-block mr-2 w-16" />
<div class="skeleton inline-block mr-2 w-12" />
<div class="skeleton inline-block mr-2 w-9" />
<div class="skeleton inline-block w-10" />
{:then organisation}
{#if organisation.description}
<em>No description given.</em>
<div class="order-first md:order-last">
<img src="http://placekitten.com/128/128" alt="Placeholder" class="rounded-[50%]" />
<main class="container mx-auto p-10 pt-0">
<div class="border-b border-gray-300 dark:border-gray-700">
<ul class="flex flex-wrap -mb-px text-sm font-medium text-center text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">
{#each allTabs as tab}
<li class="mr-2">
on:click={() => (currentTab = tab.id)}
class:!border-blue-500={currentTab === tab.id}
class:text-blue-500={currentTab === tab.id}
aria-current={currentTab === tab.id ? 'page' : false}
class="inline-flex items-center space-x-2 p-4 rounded-t-lg border-b-2 border-transparent"
<Icon name={tab.icon} /> <span>{tab.name}</span>
<div class="mt-4">
{#await organisationPromise}
<div class="grid gap-2 sm:grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-3 lg:grid-cols-4">
{#each [1, 2, 3] as _}
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header flex items-center my-4">
<div class="skeleton mr-2 w-24" />
<div class="skeleton-highlight w-16" />
<div class="card-body">
<div class="skeleton inline-block mr-2 w-24" />
<div class="skeleton inline-block mr-2 w-8" />
<div class="skeleton inline-block mr-2 w-16" />
<div class="skeleton inline-block mr-2 w-12" />
<div class="skeleton inline-block mr-2 w-9" />
<div class="skeleton inline-block w-10" />
{:then organisation}
{#if currentTab === Tab.CRATES}
<div class="grid gap-2 sm:grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-3 lg:grid-cols-4">
{#each organisation.crates as crate}
<a href={`/crates/${$page.params.organisation}/${crate.name}`} class="card">
<h5 class="card-header">
{$page.params.organisation}/<span class="text-highlight">{crate.name}</span>
<p class="card-body">
{#if crate.description}
<em>No description given.</em>
{#if organisation.crates.length === 0}
class="p-4 text-sm text-gray-700 bg-gray-100 rounded-lg dark:bg-gray-700 dark:text-gray-300"
<span class="font-medium">Welcome to your new organisation!</span>
It's a little bit lonely here right now, but you can solve that easily by
on:click={() => (currentTab = Tab.MEMBERS)}
class="underline text-blue-600 hover:text-blue-700"
adding some team members
class="underline text-blue-600 hover:text-blue-700"
publishing your first crate</a
{:else if currentTab === Tab.MEMBERS}
<div class="card p-0 divide-y card-divide">
{#each organisation.members as member}
{#if newMember}
<div class="card mt-4">
hideUuids={organisation.members.map((v) => v.uuid)}
on:new={(member) => {
member.detail.permissions = [];
member.detail.uuid = member.detail.user_uuid;
newMember = member.detail;
{:catch e}
<ErrorAlert showClose={false}>{e}</ErrorAlert>